Three Hundred and Thirty Four Pounds of NO

So two days ago while at the National Air and Space Museum, I got on a scale that tells you how much you weigh on different places in space… Jupiter, the moon, somewhere else and Earth… I don’t recall how much I weighed anywhere else but here. 334 pounds. Yep. 334. In Earth pounds. I’m…

“You Ain’t Got No Job, Man!”

This is a rant. I hate nigga shit. Not “black people shit,” strictly nigga antics. Ignorant folks doing ignorant shit. But I live in DC, Nigga Shit capitol of the Free World. From the politicians to the police to the everyday citizens… A friend calls the other morning to tell me about a job fair…

Message to self:

Write. Even when you don’t feel like it. Even when you think the words won’t come. They will.

Armor. Chink 1.

On a good day, my armor, this thick skin, quick wit, easy laugh and sharp tongue I wield as a Single Black Woman with Kids is lightweight and flexible. I am Superwoman leaping tall buildings in a single bound, bringing home the bacon, frying it, serving it… All that. Then the tables turn and what…