Flip This House!

i just want to run away. or send them to live somewhere with monks or ex-military types that will wake them up in the middle of the night to scrub toilets and baseboards with toothbrushes and the like. i don’t want to mommy right now.

What About My Sons?

Am I the only mother who feels like her children aren’t scared enough? Like I’m not teaching them survival skills? I have two sons. Twins. One has a socio-emotional learning disability where he doesn’t pick up on social cues. It’s hard for him to get sarcasm or read tones of voice. What happens when the…


It’s Father’s Day again. My dad was the greatest storyteller ever. It’s taken me this long to realize I probably get that gift from him. I miss him. There was never a moment in my life, whether I saw him every day or once a year, that I felt unloved by my father. My father,…

A Story About Family (NaPoWriMo day 16)

Today will always be a special day for me. My parents were married on April 16, 1971. And though the union did not withstand the test of time, There was a lot of love. From that bond, a family was created. Four little girls were born. Smart Hatiná, reading at 3 years old, Compassionate Chisoni,…